Small Group Questions | Not a Fan | Week 3
Jesus calls us to "seek first the Kingdom of God." How would you define God’s Kingdom, and what do you think it means for us today?
What are some practical ways we can make God’s Kingdom a priority in our lives? How might this differ from making other areas of our life a priority?
Luke 9:23 talks about denying ourselves and taking up our cross daily. What are some areas in your life where self-denial might help you prioritize Jesus?
In Matthew 6:26-33, Jesus assures us of God’s care. What are some common worries that prevent people from fully seeking God? How can we actively hand over these worries to God?
Jesus prayed for God's will over His own in the Garden of Gethsemane. How can we pray in a way that aligns our desires with God’s will?
How has your perspective changed when you've truly sought God’s presence in difficult situations? Can you share an example where seeking God’s Kingdom shifted your response to a challenge?
Eddie Stankey found a way to succeed in baseball despite his limitations. What excuses do you find yourself making when it comes to following Jesus? How might God be calling you to move past these?
How does the concept of “one anothering” (loving, supporting, and serving others) play into our understanding of the Kingdom? How can we foster this in our church community?
Jesus doesn’t call only the most talented but the available. What unique contributions might God be asking you to bring, even if you feel you lack certain skills or experience?
If you knew Jesus was returning in a year, how might you change how you live, serve, or share your faith? What steps can you take this week to align with that sense of purpose?