Small Group Questions | Week 3
1. Who are some of your closest friends?
2. Which part of this message was most impactful for you and why?
3. Read Genesis 1:26. When you think about how God is never alone, what questions, thoughts, or feelings come to mind?
4. Think about a place where you belong. What makes that place feel safe?
5. Share about a time when you needed others. Who showed up, and how did that experience grow your faith?
6. Talk about the ways your Small Group honors Jesus. How are you creating a space for grace, healing, and mission?
7. Pray: Father, thank You for relationships. Thank You for creating us for community, and thank You for modeling that kind of community for us. Please help us to live our lives in a way that reflects Your love—where we show grace, help bring healing, and intentionally serve those around us. We know that we are better together. In Jesus’ name, amen.
8. Find one way to connect with your Small Group outside of your regular time this week. If you haven’t already, start a group message or text thread.
9. For more ways to "be the Church" with your Small Group, watch the 4-week video series, Belong: www.go2.lc/belongstudy
10. Start the We Are the Church Bible Plan using Plans With Friends: www.go2.lc/thechurch